Christian Drug Rehab

Christian drug rehab takes a faith based approach to recovery.
For many addicts, a faith based approach to treatment can be a beneficial part of the healing process providing them with a foundation for spiritual healing and support. Upon hitting rock bottom, some patients respond rather well to the support and spiritual guidance that is provided by Christian drug rehab programs. These programs are centered around the principles and teachings of the Bible and are often provided by local church organizations, Pastors or Priests who take it upon themselves to help those suffering from addiction.
The goal of Christian drug rehab is to rehabilitate the individual physically, emotionally and most of all, spiritually. These programs utilize the Christian religion, faith in God and the teachings of the Bible to guide those suffering from addiction along the path of recovery. Although Christian drug rehab is not for everyone, many people find that the addition of faith in their healing and recovery process is a very beneficial factor in helping them to overcome the physical, psychological and spiritual traumas that they have been subjected to as a result of their drug addiction.
Finding Christian Drug Rehab
Many 12 step programs use Christianity and faith in God as a Higher Power as their foundation for recovery success. Outside of the 12-step group model, there are many other options for finding Christian drug rehab. On an outpatient basis, many local pastors, priests or vicars provide faith based counseling and therapy for free. If you are already involved with a church, your best bet for finding Christian drug rehab may be to simply ask your church representative.
Many treatment centers and rehabilitation centers provide Christian rehabilitation and utilize the Bible in many of their treatment plans and programs. If you are looking for a faith based approach to treatment and care, consider asking your local rehab center if they provide Christian rehab.
What to Expect in Christian Drug Rehab
Christian drug rehab programs center everything about addiction treatment around the teachings and morals outlined in the Bible. You can expect to have designated prayer time, take part in group prayer, individual reflection time, blessings before meals, and one on one time with the pastor or priest who runs the program. Throughout Christian drug rehab you will receive spiritual guidance and you will be given opportunity to reflect both individually and on a group basis on the situations you have encountered as well as on your newly found recovery.